G'day, I'm Jake Scott

I'm an independent game developer, specialising in Unity. This is what I've made.

Recent Work

3D Physics Grappling Hook Tutorial

Step through common problems with coding a grappling hook and learn how to code a fun feeling grapple using simple vector maths.

Worldeater Recap and Shader Tutorial

Find out how my Ludum Dare game jam submission turned out, and learn how to make a sprite fill around like a clock using unity shadergraph.

My Skills

After almost 10 years of Unity experience both in groups and solo, I have a good understanding of most aspects of game development, but I am most confident in:

3D Physics

My two most ambitious games - Headshot and Squirrelville - both use unique movement systems with very complicated physics interactions. Implementing them stretched my understanding of physics engines and maths, and required me to code custom versions of many common functions.


Because I have a wide skillset, I can envision most elements of a project before I start it and then efficiently build the minimum versions of them - which allows me to create prototypes and small games very quickly. Fire Patrol and Mastermind are both games I made in less than 2 months.

Character AI

I love the challenge of creating intelligent-seeming agents in a game. In Headshot enemies can navigate on walls and ceilings and fly through the air, in Imitation the AI intelligently choose tasks to move to and execute, and in Hop To It enemies attack the player in unique ways.

My Recent Projects

Here are my current favourite projects, which either turned into a good finished product or gave me a lot of experience. Click on one to see more info about it!

Fire Patrol

My submission to the Jan 2024 Pirate Software game jam - play as a fire helicopter and prevent fires from spreading across the landscape.


An FPS where you can change gravity to run on walls and 'fly' (fall) through levels, while you fend of robot enemies with destructible limbs and unique attacks.


A Space-invaders inspired base defence game, with a focus on 2 player co-op and upgrades that create synergy with your partner.


My version of the classic board game, which boasts a few neat features including a mastermind solving algorithm and a set of one-guess puzzles.


A third-person 3D platformer where you play as a squirrel who can climb trees and wooden structures like spiderman, and who wants to collect all the acorns on the island.

Welcoming the Worldeater

A short but satisfying idle game I made for the Ludum Dare game jam where you summon minions to collect resources for you by drawing out a mysic circle of runes.


An asymmetric multiplayer prototype where some of the players pretend to be robots completing tasks, and the rest have to sniff them out from the other identical AIs and take them down.